Before we begin, please have a notepad ready to write down your answers as you read along. If you can’t answer a question right away, just write it down.
Now, let’s start the process of bringing your specific person into your life. When I ask, “When did it all start?” where does your mind go? Do you think about the beginning of your love story with your person or the challenging times in your relationship?
How many different ways have you thought of to change things? Have you tried involving other people to help you forget your person, and if you did, how well did it work?
There are more important questions to ask, and if you’d like, you can request a complete questionnaire via email.
But let me warn you before you proceed: patience and thinking creatively are the only ways to get yourself to a place where you not only have your ex’s attention but also open up new possibilities for love. Even if you don’t want them, new options will always come up when you grow and move on from a breakup. The problem is that many people pretend to have moved on and end up with the worst choices in their new dating pool.
What do I mean by pretending to have moved on? It’s like playing a game where you use strategies like cutting off contact, changing your appearance, and sometimes involving other people and social media. Everyone plays this game differently, but the goal is always to get your ex’s attention. Even if it works, the relationship remains unstable and eventually fails. In the few cases where it continues, one person usually puts in much more effort, leading to an unhappy outcome. If you find yourself in such a situation, it’s important to regain your self-esteem.
I should also mention that even if you broke up with your ex for valid reasons, it’s natural to still want them back after some time apart. During this time, you might feel withdrawal symptoms, which is what the No Contact rule aims to achieve. It’s normal to miss the other person, but it’s crucial to understand that getting back together won’t solve the underlying problems that led to the breakup. Without a clear view of the relationship as a whole, rushing back into it driven by emotions alone can hurt you in the long run.
Ultimately, it all comes down to how you feel about yourself. Yes! The journey of getting your ex back starts with introspection and self-reflection.